About us…

Where it all began.

Our organization’s founders have all spent years working and teaching in yoga studios and communities in and around the midwest. In 2020 we saw clearly the disparate nature that exists between the western yoga studio model and the needs of the Indianapolis community.

Often, those who are in the greatest need of stress management have the least access to the beneficial practices of yoga, meditation, mindfulness and other movement mediums that strengthen the mind-body connection. We created Heartland Mindfulness Collective to begin closing that gap.

On the other side of this coin live the many amazing and creative facilitators who deserve sustainable wages in exchange for their services. Heartland Mindfulness Collective strives to provide equitable compensation and opportunity to wellness professionals while making all of our programming donation-based for those able to give what they can, and free to others who need it.

Email or visit us today.


2442 N Central Ave Indianpolis IN

Our headquarters are located at CITYOGA, Schoo of Yoga & Health in Indianapolis.